The Mystery Phone Number

There is a 10-digit telephone number in the form: ABC-DEF-GHIJ. Each letter represents a different digit from 0 to 9.

The digits in each section of the phone number appear in decreasing order. This means A>B>C, D>E>F and G>H>I>J.

The phone number has more interesting traits: D, E and F are consecutive even digits. Also, G, H, I and J are consecutive odd digits. Futhermore, A + B + C = 9.

What is the phone number?

Scroll down for a clue and further down for the answer.








Clue: There are two alternatives for the digits G, H, I and J. These are either: 9753 or 7531. The other odd digit (either 1 or 9) must appear as A, B or C. As we are told A + B + C = 9, the other odd digit must be a 1.

Scroll down for the answer.








Answer: The phone number is: 810-642-9753.

There are two alternatives for the digits G, H, I and J. These are either: 9753 or 7531. The other odd digit (either 1 or 9) must appear as A, B or C. As we are told A + B + C = 9, the other odd digit must be a 1. This means G, H, I and J are 9753.

As we know A + B + C = 9 and one of these digits is a 1, the sum of the other two even digits in A, B and C is 8.

D, E and F must be either 420, 642 or 864. This will leave either: 6 and 8, 0 and 8 or 0 and 2 as the two even digits in A, B, C. As we have already determined that these two even digits in A, B, C must sum 8 they need to be 0 and 8. This leaves D, E and F as 642.

Putting this information together, we get the phone number: 810-642-9753.

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