123456789 = 1

Your challenge today is to insert two plus signs and two minus signs into the left side of each of the equations below, to yield the answer ‘1’. You can place the signs anywhere on the left side, e.g. 123 + 4 – 5 + 67 – 89

A. 123456789 = 1 (Note: there are two distinct solutions)

B. 987654321 = 1

Scroll down for a clue and further down for the answer.








Clue: All of the answers break the digits up so 1 appears by itself and the remaining 8 digits all form 2-digit numbers.

Scroll down for the answer.









A. 1 – 23 + 45 + 67 – 89 = 1

Another solution: 1 + 23 – 45 – 67 + 89 = 1

B. 98 – 76 – 54 + 32 + 1 = 1

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