A Shapely Ravens

Scroll down for a clue and further down for the answer.








Clue: Each shape appears once in each row and column. Also a variant of each shape appears once in each row and column.

Scroll down for the answer.








Answer: H.

There is a trapezium, a square and a shape with a curved base. Each of these shapes appears once in every row and every column. There are three variants of each shape: the shape itself, the shape with a small part removed from the top horizontal line and the shape with the entire top horizontal line removed. Each of these variants appears once in each row and once in each column.

The only shape missing from the last row and last column is the trapezium. The only variant missing from the last row and last column is the shape with a small part removed from the top horizontal line of the shape. Combining these two features leaves us with shape ‘H’.

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