The World’s Hardest Raven’s Matrices


The above Raven’s Matrices contains 8 squares and a dash. Which of the 8 squares below is the most appropriate to replace the dash?


Scroll down for a clue and further down for the answer.








Clue: Try and work out the pattern to where the lines end in one square and continue in another square.

Scroll down for the answer.








Answer: Square 5. Below is the completed Matrices:

hard ravens solved

The reasoning: The lines in one square finish in a certain position in that square and continue from that same position in the next square. Let us number the squares of the top row 1-3 going from left to right. Let us number the squares of the middle row 4-6 going from left to right. Let us number the squares of the bottom row 7-9 going from left to right. The lines in square 1 finish in a certain position on the right of the square. These lines then begin in the same position in square 2. The lines in square 2 finish in a certain position and start in that same position in square 3. Now, where the lines in square 3 end, they begin in square 4 (on the very left square of the middle row). This pattern continues until square 8. The lines in square 8 end in the top corner and near the bottom of the square. From the answer options, only option 5 has lines beginning in the same position as the end of square 8 thus this is the answer.

The below image is a visual explanation of the above solution:

ravens answe explained


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